Background with blog post slider

Gracias Diego

Tenemos la tercera estrella bordada en nuestra camiseta. Ha pasado el mundial y quedarán por [...]

Jacinto, el Cardenal

Ricardo Gomez Oroná. Jacinto Piedra, el Cardenal. Se presentaba como Ricardito “El niño cantor”. Debutó [...]

La Telesita

“La Telesita” es parte de las leyendas del monte santiagueño. Telésfora Castillo o Telésfora Santillán [...]

Humildad, Sacrificio y Trabajo

Mi abuela Elsa era maestra en el interior de Santiago del Estero, más precisamente en [...]

Jacinto del monte

Pretendíamos hacer un homenaje al Gran Jacinto Piedra, con algo que lo identificara, o destacara [...]

El monte Santiagueño

Hicimos dos versiones de esta remera Una negra con  estampa clara, color pleteada y otra de [...]

[background bg="http://imageurl" padding="30px" parallax="0" dark="false"]

[blog_posts posts="6" columns="3" image_height="200px"]


Background with Product slider and parallax background

[background bg="http://imageurl" padding="30px" parallax="2" dark="false"]

[ux_bestseller_products products="9" columns="4"]


Dark Background with Product slider and parallax background

[background bg="http://imageurl" padding="30px" parallax="3" dark="true"]

[ux_bestseller_products products="9" columns="4"]


Background with Featured boxes

[background bg="http://imageurl" padding="30px" parallax="0" dark="false"]

[col span="1/3"]
[featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://imageurl"  pos="left"]

[col span="1/3"]
[featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://imageurl"  pos="left"]

[col span="1/3"]
[featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://imageurl"  pos="left"]



Background with Featured boxes dark style and parallax

[background bg="http://imageurl" padding="60px" parallax="3" dark="true"]

[col span="1/3"]
[featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://imageurl"  pos="left"]

[col span="1/3"]
[featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://imageurl"  pos="left"]

[col span="1/3"]
[featured_box title="Featured box title" img="http://imageurl"  pos="left"]



Testimonials with a background shortcode

Lucy Anderson
PBR kogi VHS commodo, single-origin coffee selvage kale chips. Fugiat try-hard ad aesthetic, tofu master cleanse typewriter tote bag accusamus sustainable ennui hella small batch cliche.
Lucy Anderson / Facebook
Lucy Anderson
PBR kogi VHS commodo, single-origin coffee selvage kale chips. Fugiat try-hard ad aesthetic, tofu master cleanse typewriter tote bag accusamus sustainable ennui hella small batch cliche.
Lucy Anderson / Facebook
Lucy Anderson
PBR kogi VHS commodo, single-origin coffee selvage kale chips. Fugiat try-hard ad aesthetic, tofu master cleanse typewriter tote bag accusamus sustainable ennui hella small batch cliche.
Lucy Anderson / Facebook

[background bg="http:/bgurl" padding="30px" parallax="0" dark="false"]

[col span="1/3"]
    [testimonial image="http://imageurl" name="Author name" company="Company name"]
       Add testemonial text here

[col span="1/3"]
    [testimonial image="http://imageurl" name="Author name" company="Company name"]
       Add testemonial text here

[col span="1/3"]
    [testimonial image="http://imageurl" name="Author name" company="Company name"]
       Add testemonial text here
